
Tip is a Third Generation Blockchain that connects users over peer to peer networks, and merchants with payment solutions, making it easier than ever to transact using cryptocurrency.



Tokens ?*
Gesch. Wert $?
Endet in abgelaufen

* Abhängig von der Teilnehmeranzahl oder dem endgültigen Token/Preis.


Token Typ ERC20
Gesamtmenge 1,000,000,000
Preis/Token 0,0001 ETH
Angelegt am: 8. April 2018 00:19


Notwendige Werkzeuge:


Schritt für Schritt Anleitung

  1. Join Telegram @TipBlockchain
  2. Fill in the form

6,000,000 tokens (1% of the available supply worth around 500 ETH) will be distributed equally (No stakes / no referral bonus) to all participants.

Token Website icon Webseite Comments icon 0 Kommentare



Tokens ?*
Gesch. Wert $?
Endet in abgelaufen

* Abhängig von der Teilnehmeranzahl oder dem endgültigen Token/Preis.


Token Typ ERC20
Gesamtmenge 1,000,000,000
Preis/Token 0,0001 ETH
Angelegt am: 8. April 2018 00:19


Konzept/Idee Webseite Team Whitepaper

Awesome. They try to make cryptos more user friendly. Instead if sending a payment to 0x8df3mJD45... why not just send it to @airdropking_io ? They also have a good whitepaper and team.

The airdrop should be worth a lot because the distributed tokens are worth around 500 ETH. And to be honest, this crypto airdrop has no referral scheme. Therefore it is less likely to go viral and that means less participants which is good for you. If we estimate 50,000 participants (which is still quite a lot) you'll receive tokens worth 0.01 ETH or $3.7. We think it won't be more than 30,000.

Beweis, dass der Airdrop echt ist

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