Questions? Problems? We're happy to help! Contact us [email protected] or via Telegram Chat


Deliver your users more value and implement a list of airdrops on your website.

100% free

No key required

Public available

Good support

We would appreciate any link or mention of Powered by AirdropKing API on your awesome application!

Getting Started

Copy & paste the following code snippet inside your HTML. If you use Wordpress you can use the HTML widget.

<div id="airdropKingList"></div>
<script src="" url="" async defer></script>

The outcome will look like on the right sidebelow or like in this jsfiddle.

You can also filter or select which airdrops you want to get as well as apply your custom styles to the widget. Just switch to tabs above.


If you want to modify the preconfigured design or js you can also include the script and css by yourself. If you do so don't include the script from the "easy implementation" tab inside your HTML.

<script src="" url="" async defer></script>

Here's another JSFiddle.

Only one HTML tag is needed. However if you you want to see how it's rendered see below.

<div id="airdropKingList"></div>

HTML Snippet

This file is not used! It only shows how the HTML is currently rendered to better understand which part of the CSS / JS does what:

<div class="ak_card">
	<a href="link/to/the/airdrop">
		<img src="default_80x80.jpg" alt="Airdrop Name Logo">
		<a class="ad_title" href="link/to/the/airdrop">Airdrop Name</a>
		<span class="value"><svg money> $100</span><span class="rating"><svg rating> 99%</span>
		<span class="days_left">22 days left</span>

You can change the structure, classes and attributes in the Javascript file.


Let's start with the CSS file. You can override the classes or add them like they are to your stylesheet. Here's the CSS code used by the API:

#airdropKingList .ak_card {
  position: relative;
  background-color: rgba(123, 123, 123, 0.05);
  border: 1px solid rgba(123, 123, 123, 0.2);
  border-radius: 0.25rem;
  padding: 0.25em;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin-bottom: 0.5em;
  font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 100%;
  line-height: 1.5;

#airdropKingList .ak_card img {
  height: 3.2em;
  width: auto;
  max-width: 3.2em;
  overflow: hidden;
  border-radius: 0.4rem;
  vertical-align: top;
  padding: 0.2em;

#airdropKingList .ak_card > div {
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 0.35em 0 0 0.5em;

#airdropKingList .ak_card .ad_title {
  font-size: 0.9rem;
  display: block;

#airdropKingList .ak_card span {
  padding: 0.25em 0;
  font-size: 0.7rem;

#airdropKingList .ak_card span.value {
  padding-right: 1em;
  font-weight: 700;
  opacity: 0.7;

#airdropKingList .ak_card span.rating {
  color: #26b99a;

#airdropKingList .ak_card span.days_left {
  position: absolute;
  opacity: 0.5;
  top: 0;
  right: 0.5em;
  font-size: 0.6rem;

/* Icons
   Those are svg files from the javascript file */

#airdropKingList .icn {
  height: 1.1em;
  overflow: hidden;
  vertical-align: middle;
  margin-top: -0.2em;

#airdropKingList .icn.icn-money {
  padding-right: 0.5em;

#airdropKingList .icn.icn-money .color {
  fill: #999999;

#airdropKingList .icn.icn-thumbs-up {
  padding-right: 0.2em;

#airdropKingList .icn.icn-thumbs-up .color {
  fill: #26b99a;


This one might look a bit weird because it holds HTML inside JS but you will figure that out quickly:

// Pure javascript. If you use JQuery you can minimize this code

// AJAX request
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// You can modify this url to filter or order airdrops. Please switch to the custom API tab
var url = "";

// Icons used
// money icon (svg)
var money_icon = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg class="icn icn-money" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 58 43" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g class="color" transform="translate(-601 -485)" fill="#000"><g transform="translate(601 485)"><path d="m56.079 9l-51.079-8.173v4.33l-3-0.24v4.083h-2v34h58v-34h-1.921zm-49.079-5.827l26.802 4.288-26.802-2.144v-2.144zm-3 3.91l1 0.08v1e-3l6.757 0.54 16.203 1.296h-23.96v-1.917zm-2 3.917h54v30h-54v-30z"/><path d="m47 36.5c0-2.481 2.019-4.5 4.5-4.5 0.138 0 0.273 9e-3 0.408 0.021l1.092 0.1v-12.242l-1.092 0.1c-0.135 0.012-0.27 0.021-0.408 0.021-2.481 0-4.5-2.019-4.5-4.5 0-0.139 0.01-0.276 0.021-0.412l0.097-1.088h-10.944c-2.101-1.261-4.55-2-7.174-2s-5.073 0.739-7.174 2h-10.947l0.1 1.091c0.012 0.135 0.021 0.271 0.021 0.409 0 2.481-2.019 4.5-4.5 4.5-0.138 0-0.274-9e-3 -0.409-0.021l-1.091-0.1v12.242l1.091-0.1c0.135-0.012 0.271-0.021 0.409-0.021 2.481 0 4.5 2.019 4.5 4.5 0 0.138-9e-3 0.274-0.021 0.409l-0.1 1.091h7.996c0.866 0 1.643-0.516 1.979-1.315 0.077-0.183 0.121-0.373 0.145-0.564 0.322-0.36 0.653-0.63 1.01-0.825l3.215-1.584v-0.171c-1.399-0.786-2.389-2.056-2.949-3.788-0.858-0.476-1.404-1.377-1.404-2.384v-0.87c0-0.822 0.371-1.588 0.996-2.103 0.119-0.817 0.324-1.585 0.612-2.285 0.129-0.318 0.24-0.555 0.329-0.747 0.218-0.469 0.218-0.469 0.058-1.277-0.083-0.419-0.139-0.802-0.176-1.131-0.039-0.331 0.066-0.665 0.287-0.914 0.463-0.52 1.367-0.495 1.802 0.057 0.165 0.209 0.424 0.432 0.768 0.664 0.726 0.489 1.703 0.707 2.724 0.624 0.183-0.015 0.372-0.022 0.564-0.022 4.948 0 6.534 2.627 6.953 5.017 0.634 0.515 1.012 1.287 1.012 2.117v0.87c0 1.007-0.546 1.908-1.404 2.384-0.561 1.732-1.55 3.002-2.949 3.788v0.181l3.1 1.583c0.477 0.239 0.897 0.574 1.242 0.992l0.46 0.558c0.371 0.694 1.077 1.145 1.876 1.145h7.993l-0.097-1.088c-0.011-0.136-0.021-0.273-0.021-0.412zm-27.989-0.59c-0.038 0.09-0.109 0.09-0.136 0.09h-5.894c-0.244-3.186-2.795-5.737-5.981-5.981v-8.038c3.186-0.244 5.737-2.794 5.981-5.981h6.232c-0.015 0.015-0.028 0.031-0.043 0.046-0.171 0.169-0.329 0.35-0.491 0.528-0.156 0.17-0.318 0.334-0.464 0.511-0.057 0.068-0.106 0.142-0.161 0.211-1.639 2.049-2.679 4.523-2.967 7.178-3e-3 0.033-0.011 0.065-0.015 0.098-0.047 0.471-0.072 0.948-0.072 1.428 0 0.512 0.034 1.017 0.088 1.52 0.017 0.15 0.044 0.297 0.065 0.446 0.05 0.354 0.109 0.705 0.186 1.052 0.034 0.156 0.074 0.309 0.114 0.463 0.088 0.342 0.188 0.68 0.302 1.015 0.045 0.134 0.091 0.267 0.141 0.4 0.135 0.361 0.287 0.714 0.452 1.063 0.045 0.094 0.085 0.19 0.132 0.282 0.207 0.414 0.434 0.818 0.683 1.211 0.014 0.022 0.026 0.046 0.04 0.068 0.512 0.798 1.104 1.552 1.781 2.245 0.019 0.021 0.061 0.063 0.027 0.145zm26.008 0.09h-5.894c-0.027 0-0.098 0-0.136-0.09-0.034-0.082 8e-3 -0.124 0.028-0.145 0.251-0.257 0.481-0.528 0.71-0.8 8e-3 -0.011 0.018-0.02 0.027-0.031 1.005-1.203 1.787-2.549 2.333-3.989 0.039-0.102 0.072-0.205 0.108-0.307 0.13-0.368 0.245-0.741 0.343-1.12 0.037-0.143 0.074-0.287 0.107-0.432 0.081-0.362 0.146-0.729 0.198-1.099 0.021-0.146 0.048-0.291 0.064-0.439 0.057-0.511 0.093-1.027 0.093-1.548 0-0.48-0.025-0.957-0.072-1.428-4e-3 -0.033-0.012-0.065-0.015-0.098-0.288-2.655-1.328-5.129-2.967-7.178-0.055-0.069-0.104-0.143-0.161-0.211-0.146-0.177-0.308-0.341-0.464-0.511-0.162-0.178-0.32-0.359-0.491-0.528-0.015-0.015-0.028-0.031-0.043-0.046h6.232c0.244 3.187 2.794 5.737 5.981 5.981v8.038c-3.187 0.244-5.737 2.795-5.981 5.981z"/><path d="m6.5 19c1.93 0 3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5s-1.57-3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5 1.57-3.5 3.5 1.57 3.5 3.5 3.5"/><path d="m48 15.5c0 1.93 1.57 3.5 3.5 3.5s3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5-1.57-3.5-3.5-3.5-3.5 1.57-3.5 3.5"/><path d="m6.5 33c-1.93 0-3.5 1.57-3.5 3.5s1.57 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5-1.57-3.5-3.5-3.5"/><path d="m51.5 33c-1.93 0-3.5 1.57-3.5 3.5s1.57 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5-1.57-3.5-3.5-3.5"/></g></g></g></svg>';
// thumbs up icon
var icon_thumbsup = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg class="icn icn-thumbs-up" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 56 52" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g class="color" fill="#000" fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="m37.114 52h7.886c1.3107-0.05291 2.4715-0.86176 2.975-2.073 0.34073-1.0745 0.054626-2.2494-0.742-3.047-0.56025-0.56487-1.3234-0.8818-2.119-0.88h-8.114c-0.79559-0.0018031-1.5587 0.31513-2.119 0.88-0.79724 0.79724-1.0834 1.9725-0.742 3.047 0.50354 1.2112 1.6643 2.0201 2.975 2.073z"/><path d="m1.636 46h7.364c1.2573-0.15257 2.4806 0.47707 3.087 1.589 0.044922 0.084211 0.097832 0.16391 0.158 0.238 3.755 4.11 10.417 4.173 10.483 4.173h10.328c-0.37505-0.43951-0.6586-0.94948-0.834-1.5-0.55684-1.7784-0.077219-3.7188 1.244-5.033 0.057-0.056 0.124-0.1 0.182-0.149-1.138-0.59619-2.0056-1.604-2.426-2.818-0.81118-2.5653 0.56579-5.3103 3.107-6.194-0.50745-0.50534-0.88696-1.1245-1.107-1.806-0.42829-1.3729-0.24471-2.8637 0.50385-4.0916 0.74856-1.2279 1.9896-2.0741 3.4061-2.3224-0.41151-0.45878-0.7216-0.99921-0.91-1.586-0.48084-1.5377-0.19121-3.213 0.778-4.5h-2.083c-0.80394-8.1e-4 -1.5501-0.41776-1.9722-1.102-0.42207-0.68423-0.45982-1.5382-0.099783-2.257 0.2-0.389 0.359-0.7 0.414-0.782 1.1598-1.7764 2.6335-3.3268 4.349-4.575l0.435-0.352c0.432-0.351 0.882-0.677 1.334-1 4.123-2.971 8.023-7.467 8.023-9.255 0.024888-1.0625-0.53907-2.052-1.466-2.572-0.634-0.262-1.315-0.033-2.027 0.679-3.99 3.991-9.054 6.348-13.951 8.629-5.128 2.387-9.972 4.643-13.775 8.625-0.6565 0.72251-1.3742 1.387-2.145 1.986-2.46 1.823-5.328 1.976-8.055 1.976h-4.345c-0.90308 0.001102-1.6349 0.73292-1.636 1.636v20.728c0.001102 0.90308 0.73292 1.6349 1.636 1.636zm0.364-20c0-0.55228 0.44772-1 1-1s1 0.44772 1 1v2c0 0.55228-0.44772 1-1 1s-1-0.44772-1-1v-2zm0 6c0-0.55228 0.44772-1 1-1s1 0.44772 1 1v10c0 0.55228-0.44772 1-1 1s-1-0.44772-1-1v-10z"/><path d="m41 22c-0.79559-0.0018031-1.5587 0.31513-2.119 0.88-0.79724 0.79724-1.0834 1.9725-0.742 3.047 0.50354 1.2112 1.6643 2.0201 2.975 2.073h11.772c1.3107-0.05291 2.4715-0.86176 2.975-2.073 0.34122-1.0744 0.055477-2.2493-0.741-3.047-0.56075-0.56474-1.3242-0.88162-2.12-0.88h-12z"/><path d="m52.861 41.927c0.34122-1.0744 0.055477-2.2493-0.741-3.047-0.56075-0.56474-1.3242-0.88162-2.12-0.88h-14c-0.79559-0.0018031-1.5587 0.31513-2.119 0.88-0.79724 0.79724-1.0834 1.9725-0.742 3.047 0.50354 1.2112 1.6643 2.0201 2.975 2.073h13.772c1.3107-0.05291 2.4715-0.86176 2.975-2.073z"/><path d="m54.861 33.927c0.34122-1.0744 0.055477-2.2493-0.741-3.047-0.56075-0.56474-1.3242-0.88162-2.12-0.88h-14c-0.79559-0.0018031-1.5587 0.31513-2.119 0.88-0.79724 0.79724-1.0834 1.9725-0.742 3.047 0.50354 1.2112 1.6643 2.0201 2.975 2.073h13.772c1.3107-0.05291 2.4715-0.86176 2.975-2.073z"/></g></g></svg>';

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
		// If the request was a success parse the data you received from our API
        var myArr = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
		// and call the function below
};"GET", url, true);

// Here you can change the html tags, classes and so on
// Be cautious and don't miss to close any tags
// If you want a list of all available attributes (arr) please switch to the last tab
function fill_list(arr) {
    var o = "";
    var i;
    for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        // open new divider (change css in styles if needed)
        o += '<div class="ak_card">';
        // set image
        o += '<a href="' + arr[i].url_king + '"><img src="' + arr[i].thumbnail + '" alt="' + arr[i].name + ' Logo"></a>';
        // name and url
        o += '<div><a class="ad_title" href="' + arr[i].url_king + '">' + arr[i].name + '</a>';
        // value of the airdrop or TBA (automatically)
        o += '<span class="value">' + money_icon + '$' + arr[i].value + '</span>'
        // load rating if available (-1 == not rated yet)
        if (arr[i].like_ratio >= 0) {
            o += '<span class="rating">' + icon_thumbsup + ' ' + arr[i].like_ratio + '%</span>';
        // days left absoulte position
        o += '<span class="days_left">' + arr[i].days_left + ' days left</span>';
        o += '</div></div>';
    // Powered by Airdrop King API - we would appreciate if you would not remove this. Thanks :)
    o += '<div style="font-size: 0.65rem;text-align: right;">Powered by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener follow">AirdropKing API</a></div>';

// finally write all serialized and fetched data into the div with the id=airdropKingList
// If you change this id you also have to change the one from your divider
document.getElementById("airdropKingList").innerHTML = o;

Customize your API results

General Information

Content-Type	application/json
You can only fetch active airdrops.
Results will be currently cached 15 minutes as they don't change
that frequently. This might be removed in the future.

Amount of airdrops

default = 6


default = "best"

Current URL

If you're using the code from the "easy implementation" replace the old (second) url inside the <script tag/> with the this url above.

Live results

Remark: The request gets cached for 15 minutes. That means that random queries will only change every 15 minutes!


A short explanation of all Attributes you can retrieve by the API.

name [string]
The name of the ICO / company who does the airdrop
token [string]
The token ticker of the token which gets distributed, e.g. for Bitcoin this would be BTC
type [string]
The type of the airdrop. Whether it's a normal airdrop, a bounty, a giveaway, a lottery or similar
thumbnail [string]
The URL to the thumbnail (JPG) of the logo of the ICO / company with the dimensions: 80px x 80px
thumbnail_big [string]
The URL to the thumbnail (JPG) of the logo of the ICO / company with the dimensions: 200px x 200px
about [string]
A short sentence what the ICO / company is doing
value [string]
The value in US Dollar of the airdrop. If unknown: "TBA".
token_amount [int/float]
The amount of tokens distributed by this airdrop
url_airdrop [string]
The URL to the airdrop page of the project. This could be a Telegram Bot, a website, a Google Form etc. However to track the views this will still be routed over our servers so the link will look like:
url_king [string]
The URL to the airdrop page on the Airdrop King website. It is recommended to use this url, as users will get additional information on our site like instructions and evaluations. The link looks like:
like_ration [int/float]
The percentage of likes vs. dislikes. If the value is -1 this means nobody has rated the airdrop, yet.
required_tools [string]
A list with tools that are required to complete the airdrop e.g. ['facebook', 'telegram', 'twitter']
end_date [string]
The date when the airdrop will end. If you prefer how many days are left take the next attr:
days_left [int]
How many days are left until the airdrop expires. Easier to handle than end_date.

I want more data / attributes!

Still not happy? Please contact us (details at the top). We're happy to hear what's missing and willing to develop it for you!