Crust Network

CRUST provides a decentralized storage network of Web3 ecosystem. It supports multiple storage layer protocols such as IPFS, and exposes storage interfaces to application layer.



Tokens ?*
Gesch. Wert $?
Endet in abgelaufen

* Abhängig von der Teilnehmeranzahl oder dem endgültigen Token/Preis.


Token Typ ERC20
Gesamtmenge 1,000,010
Preis/Token $3.6
Angelegt am: 22. November 2020 09:12


Notwendige Werkzeuge:


Schritt für Schritt Anleitung

  1. Visit the Crust Network Airdrop form.
  2. Share the Profit Ark article on Twitter, Reddit, Telegram or social media of your choice.
  3. To create a CRU Stash Address, visit this Page.
  4. Click “Add Account” and then enter 'Name' and 'Password'. Make sure to keep your account information safe and secure.
  5. Copy your CRU Address and submit details to the Airdrop form.
  6. A total of 100,000 CRU will be equally distributed among all the participants.
  7. For more details about the airdrop, visit this Official Post.
Token Website icon Webseite Comments icon 0 Kommentare



Tokens ?*
Gesch. Wert $?
Endet in abgelaufen

* Abhängig von der Teilnehmeranzahl oder dem endgültigen Token/Preis.


Token Typ ERC20
Gesamtmenge 1,000,010
Preis/Token $3.6
Angelegt am: 22. November 2020 09:12


Konzept/Idee Webseite Team Whitepaper

Crust implements the incentive layer protocol for decentralized storage with adapting to multiple storage layer protocols including IPFS, and provides support for the application layer. At the same time, Crust's architecture also can provide support for a decentralized computing layer to build a distributed cloud ecosystem.

Decentralized storage allows files to be stored on different hosts by distributing the files across the entire network without being restricted by any centralized entity. Users can flexibly manage their data and effectively enhance data security and reliability through data encryption, secure backup, authorized access and other means. At the same time, the storage space sharing model can also effectively reduce storage costs. In 2019, Gartner, the world's leading research and advisory company, announced the Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020, which shows that distributed cloud service and practical blockchain technology are among the top ten technology development directions in 2020. Crust is exactly the overlap and extension of these two areas.

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