
NuriTopia is a boundless universe where the virtual and real world connect, turning your dreams into reality!



Tokens ?*
Est. value $?
Ends in expired

* Depends on the number of participants or the final token amount/price.


Token type BNB
Total supply 5,000,000,000
Price/Token $0.017
Created at: Aug. 5, 2023, 12:01 p.m.


Required Tools:


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the NuriTopia Airdrop Page.
  2. Click on 'Participate' and download the NuriTopia app for Android or iOS.
  3. Install the app and log in in order to participate in the quest.
  4. Submit your BSC wallet address and other details in the Feedback form.
  5. Now complete the Nuritopia Zealy quests, and get a chance to win up to $1400 for the TOP 20, $350 for 35 random participants, and $1750 for 100 quest achievers.
  6. Winners will share $100,000 worth of NBLU tokens &
  7. Hearts which will be distributed after the event ends.
Token Website icon Website Comments icon 0 Comments



Tokens ?*
Est. value $?
Ends in expired

* Depends on the number of participants or the final token amount/price.


Token type BNB
Total supply 5,000,000,000
Price/Token $0.017
Created at: Aug. 5, 2023, 12:01 p.m.


Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper

NuriTopia is a metaverse designed to bring together people with similar hobbies and common interests. If you seek to step out of your comfort zone and meet people from different countries, NuriTopia is the perfect place to make new friends or even find your destinated other half. In NuriTopia, you can easily meet people from different backgrounds and horizons regardless of location.

NuriTopia is an ideal social dating platform for users to meet people from all over the world. No matter where you are, you can effortlessly meet people virtually from anywhere. NuriTopia provides high-quality communication tools such as built-in texting, voice call, or even video call options where users can instantly interact with their partners from anywhere. To prevent users from being “catfished”, all users are required to verify themselves during their registration.



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