
ArbitrageScanner is the ecosystem of services, including Arbitrage scanner, Arbitrage screener and Telegram parser. Ranked as one of the top cryptocurrency arbitrage bots



Tokens ?*
Est. value $?
Referral 35 USD
Ends in expired

* Depends on the number of participants or the final token amount/price.


Token type ERC20
Total supply 15,000
Price/Token $1
Created at: Aug. 14, 2023, 11:48 a.m.


Required Tools:

Various Tasks
Various Tasks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the ArbitrageScanner Zealy Quests page.
  2. Connect your wallet.
  3. Join ArbitrageScanner Telegram Channel.
  4. Follow ArbitrageScanner on Twitter.
  5. Join ArbitrageScanner on Discord.
  6. Similarly, complete the other quests to earn more XP.
  7. Register on ArbitrageScanner website to get a 50% referral link.
  8. The most active creators and ambassadors will share a $15,000 reward pool.
  9. Also, the most active participants who help develop and promote the project will receive a subscription for up to 180 days, lifetime subscriptions ($10000+), invitations to closed in-person events in Dubai in October.
Token Website icon Website Comments icon 0 Comments



Tokens ?*
Est. value $?
Referral 35 USD
Ends in expired

* Depends on the number of participants or the final token amount/price.


Token type ERC20
Total supply 15,000
Price/Token $1
Created at: Aug. 14, 2023, 11:48 a.m.


Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper

ArbitrageScanner is the best service for crypto arbitrage according to CryptoDaily, CryptoIntelligence, CoinCodex, CoinGape and other tier-1 resources. Authoritative media place ArbitrageScanner at the top of the lists for the best arbitrage bots, and users only leave fire reviews on third-party resources.

The main products of the ecosystem:

1. ArbitrageScanner: supports over 80 CEX and is the only bot that works with DEX exchanges where the main spreads are now;
2. Arbitrage Screener: the bot looks for bundles between exchanges for you and sends notifications every 4 seconds. For example, recently the price of XRP started to rise sharply and all clients of the service received alerts that they can buy XRP on Bybit, transfer it to Binance and sell it with a 12% premium per round.
3. Telegram parser to search for mentions of any project by keywords


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